Urban Regeneration - Reconversion an Old Neighborhood in Batroun

Acyle Mohamad Tlayjeh
Lebanese University
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
Rola Saadi
Nahed Ghazal
Wael Debess
Jamal Ayoubi
Brief About The Project: 

Understanding the authenticity of an old neighborhood is necessary to know how to intervene on the existing. And it is in this context that I chose as final project to intervene on an old district in Batroun where the effect of surprise accompanies the visitor all along the route designed in order to add to the various scenes perceived a little theatricality. A theatricality that touches us by these dimensions, colors and shapes. My intervention on the existing can be summed up in several architectural projects: a theater, a cultural center, guest houses, restaurants and a seaside network.

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