Geothermal Power Station and Interpretive Center

Nesreen Taleb Abu Mahfouz
University of Jordan
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
Saleem Dahabreh
Brief About The Project: 

A complex project about conservation of natural resource (Wadi Mujib's water) by re-using it in the 100% green process of Geothermal Power Generation. Zara District, Dead Sea has the highest numbers and potential of geothermal heat in Jordan and one of the highest among the middle east. Finding the Link between Industrial Function and a touristic site producing 3 main parts:
1-Underground Geothermal Power Plant/ Public Park.
2-Research Center and Conference Halls.
3-Visitors Center and Observation Tower.
"A conversation between human and nature. A fray between adaptation and adjustment".

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