Cairo's Downtown Resilent Cultur-Conomy

Nada Talaat Abdallah El Sayed
The American University in Cairo
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
Dr. Ahmed Sherif
Brief About The Project: 

This Project addresses the revitalization of Downtown Cairo following the scope of next architecture. The project realizes the potential of reversing the effect of prevalent urban sprawl towards new cities and returning back to the city center to revitalize it. Through the process of urban acupuncture, the project followed a methodical approach to select a specific relief point in which the revitalization would take place. Building on Downtown’s heritage and Maarouf’s specific site activities, an arts incubator was selected to capitalize on pre-cultural/economical scene in Downtown Cairo resulting in a resilient cultur-conomy city center. Passageways of Downtown as liminal lively spaces.

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