BRAIN DRAIN Motherboard between Creations and Connections

Lucciana Toni Nasrallah
Holy Spirit University of Kaslik
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
M. Elias Osko
Brief About The Project: 

Unemployment,migration,depression,criminality...A sequence of harmful phenomena,threatening the lives of the Lebanese leading to Brain Drain. The crisis will worsen following the social-economics crises,and uncivil behaviors.
Biologically, to overcome shocks, the human undergo metamorphoses . Thus Beirut will reborn.
Although, a specific path will be tracked.Thereby the project will be a:Motherboard between Creations&Connections(platform).The project will be built in 3 phases:from Research Zone to Laboratories arriving at the Fruit;where the final project of the innovators will be exposed ending-up invested by investors.

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