AGORA - Boutique Hotel, Cultural Center, and Urban Pocket

Nour Eyad Mansour
German Jordanian University
Name(s) of instructor(s): 
Arch. Kawthar AlRayyan
Brief About The Project: 

The objective of this project is to reignite a union between tourists/outsiders and the local community in Amman, while providing a beneficial enhancement to this community in order to encourage the main goal: Reusing and adapting existing buildings with rich heritage to the modern day uses. Located in Jabal Weibdeh is an abandoned Embassy building from the 60s or the 'blossoming age of Weibdeh'. Through merging a boutique hotel located in the refurbished building, and adding work and display areas for the locals as an extension, tourists can be apart of the creativity, workmanship, and sense of community created in this 'Agora', while decreasing the building density and adding open space.

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